If you’ve turned on the news lately, you’ve heard of the current coronavirus outbreaks.
As a result, we are seeing more and more information about preventive measures and hand hygiene. I decided what better time than now to share my first hygiene hotel tip!
I have to give all of the credit for this tip to my co-worker’s wife, Shannon who cued me in early on about the importance of hotel room hygiene.
As an audiologist and road warrior, I find myself exposed to airplanes, public transits, Ubers, public restrooms and more. I am continously exposing myself to germs and bacteria – shout out to my immune system for working in overdrive 24/7!
After a long day of traveling and seeing customers you’d think once I finally retreat to my hotel room that I would be protected from the majority of harmful germs. This is where you would be wrong! Unfortunately, just like the rest of the world, hotel rooms are infected with germs (yuck). What may come as a surprise is the TV remote in your hotel room tends to be one of the dirtiest items!
A study from 2012, found that 81% of surfaces sampled in hotel rooms had traces of fecal bacteria…
I’m not just talking “germs”, I’m talking “fecal bacteria”. Yes, I said it. People are using the restroom, not washing their hands and then picking up the remote control that you currently have sitting on the bed next to you. (Cue your gag reflex)

Have no fear! I have a quick solution that I have adapted into my hotel room routine:
- Find ice bucket and grab the liner that is usually sticking out of the bucket
- Find TV remote
- Put your hand inside of bag and pick up remote
- Flip bag inside out so that remote is fully inside of bag
- Tie knot in bag – viola!
Now you’ve got one less place to worry about fecal matter in your hotel room 😉
Keeping it short and sweet this week!
Want to check out more of my travel tips? Click here!
Until next week!