Hi friends! I did it, I really did it. After much debate and discussion over the past year or so, I finally took the leap and launched “Glow As You Go!” I know what you’re thinking, [insert eye roll] “another person trying to blog?” But, before you close out of your web browser, let me explain the reason behind this blog.
I graduated with my doctorate in audiology in April 2018. Two weeks later, I found myself working in sales for a hearing aid manufacturer. As I worked to find my new “normal” after 8 years of school, I quickly realized I knew very little about being a field sales representative and knew even less about how to travel efficiently.
I spent my first year in the work force trying to navigate the ups and downs of working in sales: traveling, work-life balance, working out and eating well while traveling, just to name a few. I found myself regularly going to Google.com to find any tips or tricks that might help me work and live more efficiently. After months of scrolling through web browsers, I came to the conclusion that there really wasn’t much out there in terms of tips and tricks for road warriors or young professionals.
Discouraged at the lack of information online, I put my hunt on hold until one of my oldest and dearest friends accepted a new job. I received a text that said something along the lines of “Hey! I know you are traveling a lot for work and I wanted to know what your travel do’s and don’ts are”. I didn’t have any profound words of wisdom for her: “Tide To Go pens are a godsend, Febreze your suit between dry cleaning to keep it smelling fresh, if you don’t have a steamer, de-wrinkle your clothes by hanging them in the bathroom with the shower on, choose breath mints over gum”.
A few months later, that same friend texted again to let me know she had adopted some of my suggestions into her daily routine. That’s when it dawned on me. If there weren’t practical tips readily available online, why not share mine?
I do not profess to be anything close to a “savvy traveler.” More times than not, I tip my suitcase over in the hotel parking lot, causing all of the contents of my purse to go flying. I once slipped leaving a business meeting, fell, ripped my dress and my customer saw the entire scene. Being a road warrior is not always glamours, but it’s life and if me learning by trial and error helps someone else; I’m here for it!
I came up with the name “Glow As You Go” with the hope that this blog will help others feel their best in the every day here, there and everywhere in between!

Peace and Joy pillows: Homegoods Falala pillow: Kirklands
PS: If you are still doubting the legitimacy of this blog, I won a writing contest in the 3rd grade – and yes, I am still riding the coattails of my 3rd grade self as I catapult myself into this blog.