It’s hard to believe Memorial Day weekend is just a few days away. In Cincinnati, this weekend is usually centered around Taste of Cincinnati.
This year, would mark the 42nd year of the festival, making it the nation’s longest running free culinary festival. Unfortunately the event has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. As many of us will find ourselves around the home this weekend, I decided to share a spin on one of my favorite bites from last year’s Taste of Cincinnati. Elote is a popular street food in Mexico. Elote is the Spanish word for Corn on the Cob. In America it is also fondly known as Mexican Street Corn. I cannot put into words how much I love this medley of flavors.

While scanning the internet for an at home recipe, I stumbled upon the website https://www.favfamilyrecipes.com/ . It was here that I found a genius spin on Elote.
Allow me to introduce you to Favorite Family Recipes’ Mexican Street Corn in a Cup. Erica Walker of Favorite Family Recipes’ notes that the first time she discovered Mexican street corn in a cup was at Disneyland’s California Adventure. Are we surprised? Absolutely not, of course Disney would be responsible for creating this delicious delicacy.
Aside from being absolutely delicious, this recipe is also mess free! If you are not a fan of eating corn off the cob, this is the recipe for you!
Below I have shared a step by step guide on how to create and garnish your own Mexican Street Corn in a Cup! If you try out the recipe, I’d love to hear your feedback. I’ve already made it twice and am drooling just thinking about it 😉

1. Bring 1 c. of water to a boil and add sugar.
2. When water is boiling, add corn and cover with lid.
3. Simmer corn 3-5 minutes, or until corn is cooked and tender.
4. While corn is simmering, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, sriracha, Kosher salt, and lime salt in a small bowl.
5. When corn is done cooking, drain well and return to pan. Allow to cool for 3 minutes.
6. Add sriracha-mayo mix to the corn and mix until combined.
7. Divide into cups and top with cotija cheese, cilantro, a dash of chili powder and a lime wedge.
8. Serve immediately.

Super easy to make and sure to be a hit! Sending a big thank you to the ladies of #favoritefamilyrecipes for introducing me to this mess-free spin on one of my favorites!
Hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy Memorial Day Weekend!