The annual Amazon Prime Day is upon us and now it really does feel like the holidays are right around the corner! If you plan on checking out Prime Day, you may fall into one of the following 2 categories: 1) Starting holiday shopping early to combat the inevitable shipping delays associated with the COVID-19 […]
UPDATE – my favorite items in stock as of 8/19/2020 The sale has been underway for a few weeks now. As a result you may find some items on my list are now out of stock. I encourage you to check back frequently for restocks! The fist list below, I did update today, 8/19 and […]
Jumpsuit // Star necklace // Apple watch band It’s safe to say I have an animal print obsession. To be clear, this obsession has existed since about the age of 3. At that time I was convinced I was going to be a “zoo-catcher”, zoologist or a vet. While my career aspirations may have shifted […]
Black Body Suit // Leopard Print Shorts // Platform Sandals also available at Zappos Memorial Day weekend was definitely a little different this year. However I made the most of it and had a blast! My weekend was filled with great food, White Claws, shopping, good company, exploring what we could of Yellow Springs, Ohio […]
It’s hard to believe Memorial Day weekend is just a few days away. In Cincinnati, this weekend is usually centered around Taste of Cincinnati. This year, would mark the 42nd year of the festival, making it the nation’s longest running free culinary festival. Unfortunately the event has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. As many […]
Sound the alarm! We are now one week out from Mother’s Day 2020. As most of us are still locked up, online shopping is essential. Last week I brought you all Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2020: Locked up Edition. Today it’s raining in Cincinnati and I have found myself trapped inside all day. To pass […]
Wellness check: How is everyone doing? What day is it? How long have we been locked up? Who knows! At this point every day feels like the weekend. By weekend I mean: a lazy weekend where you get nothing accomplished and on Sunday evening, your anxiety kicks in. So yep! That’s how I am doing. […]
This post was originally published April 25,2020. It has since been updated as of October 2022. * indicates updated material * Hi! We’ve made it to week 3 of being furloughed. Honestly unsure what day of the month it is at this point. Yesterday I told my mother I was going to “try” and wake […]
Post updated 8/23/2021 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I recently shared my candle re-wicking tutorial on my TikTok page: @glowasyougoblogYou can watch the video below! When life gives you candle tunneling, you stick them in the oven and re-wick a candle! What is “candle tunneling“? Candle tunneling occurs when a candle […]
Last week I tried texting one of my girlfriends “we are all going to hell in a handbasket”. Except my phone autocorrected “handbasket” to “handbag” and honestly, how relatable is that? It’s 2020, we’ve all traded in our handbaskets for handbags. So this is me officially announcing to the world that I am coining the […]